Kickball Rules
Current A.S.S. Softball Rules will govern kickball with the following emphasis and modifications:
1. A team consists of 8 (eight) players. A minimum of 6 (six) is needed to start and continue the game.
2. The defensive team may be set up in any order the team wishes. There is no set rule for placing defending players.
3. The batter is out in situations similar to softball (force outs, pop outs, etc.) In addition, a runner is out when she/he is hit by a thrown ball below the waist.
4. The ball is put into play when the pitcher (a player on the defensive team) rolls the ball toward home plate and the batter attempts to kick the ball. The batter must wait for the ball to be within three feet of home plate before kicking the ball. If the batter does not like the pitch, she/he should not attempt to kick it, and another pitch will be thrown. There are no strikeouts or walks. Batter gets a maximum of two (2) tries. A missed attempt or foul counts as a try. After two tries, the batter is out.
5. Bunting is not permitted. There will be no infield fly rule.
6. A runner who leaves the base before the pitch reaches home plate or is hit, is out and the ball is dead. Leading off and stealing bases between pitches is NOT allowed.
7. In order to prevent injury and protect the defensive player attempting to make a play on a base runner, the base runner must be called out, if she/he remains on her/his feet, and deliberately, with great force crashes into a defensive player holding the ball, waiting to apply a tag. If the act is determined to be flagrant, the offender shall also be ejected.
8. A designated batter or extra batter is allowed.
9. Teams may bat as many players as they want, but the batting order should never change once the game has begun, unless someone has to leave the game permanently. Players that arrive after the game has begun may be added to the end of the batting order.
10. Forfeit time has been established as game time, teams should report to the field a minimum of 15 minutes before the scheduled starting time of the game.
11. There are no umpires. Each batting team will provide a first and third-base coach. These first and third-base coaches will be responsible for calling runners safe or out when a close play on the bases occurs; they will use an honor system to call plays fairly. The team in the field will not call close plays on the bases and abide by the decisions of the first and third-base coaches.
12. No infield practice is allowed after the first inning.
13. Any player can play any position defensively
14. REPORTING SCORES: Report scores to the supervisors on duty.
1 comment:
i can see your thingy,
it is hairy
and scary
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