Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Several things...

1. The lil' Man swears that this sexy Vegas playing card looks exactly like Sammy:
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2. The mansion makes me sad, and mad...thus I'm smad.

3. I've been dating a boy for a while; he's the best I've ever had. He doesn't look like the villian from Charlie's Angels, nor has he paid for his girlfriend's abortion. Knowing that I'm a wildcat, I made him write a page essay (he actually did bullet points) on why I should be his girlfriend....I said yes. So, basically, I can't fuck strangers in bar bathrooms anymore...and I'm happy with that.

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Vagrunt said...

Sweet, this is a great excuse for me to refuse to rub your feet or comb your hair.

Drunky Malone said...

1. That looks exactly like Sammy when he was fifteen.

2. True that.

3. Looks like Elliot isn't going to score.

Evil Biologist said...

Ooooh yeah, she's just a little runaway.