Wednesday, December 02, 2009

dudes, I'm in New Orleans for two months

take a long weekend vacation.



Gary said...

plans for a trip for the last day of the year

i'll be driving
a car
of the volvo variety

who's in?

Squawbrey said...

please come. I miss you all

im lauf der zeit. said...

i might be in.

anyone know of a couch i can surf for a night or two in baltimore, around jan 25th?

Evil Biologist said...

Just go to West Baltimore, and bring a crowbar. Plenty of vacant houses there.

Drunky Malone said...

im lauf der zeit:

The Evil Biologist and I have a friend who lives in Baltimore. I'm sure he would be cool with you crashing there for a night. If interested, send me a message on facebook and I will message him and ask him if he is going to be around on that date.

Word booty,

Drunky Malone