Thursday, March 02, 2006

oh... those guys

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pukey malone
drunky macgee


Vagrunt said...
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Gary said...

To prevent night terrors, awaken your child gently before you go to bed (assuming you go to bed several hours after your child does). Tuck him back in, tell him you love him, and go to bed. Often, this "jostling" of the sleep system in the brain will prevent him from having an attack that night. Another approach for the child who has them regularly at a certain time, is to gently awaken the child about 15 minutes before he or she usually has the attack, then tuck him or her back in as above. If this doesn't work, and he has so many or so violent attacks that it is a problem for the family, talk to your doctor about possible medication.

im lauf der zeit. said...

wow, to think you missed out on 2 months of this?!

im lauf der zeit. said...

mr. sparklez + ms. mc-tinklez.

--> minnesota's finest.

Squawbrey said...

I am appalled. I see that I will now be sleeping on the back porch. Well, I guess all it takes is a squinty-eyed Northerner to push you off the wagon.