Okay, so I received another missing mailing concerning San Pedro Times Correspondent Michael T. Elliott. According to the latest delivery from the United States Postal Service, Mr. Elliott was last seen with a female human going by the alias Ruby. Further, they were last spotted together in Antarctica (which may explain the R.J. MacReady look that Mr. Elliott has in the age progression). At any rate, let's give a shout out to Firestone tires for sponsoring the age progression software, and also for manufacturing shitty tires in the early noughties that helped do in some 150+ persons.
Little man, I'm at the house hanging out and you're not which means by the stupid house rules that you're not cool. That means you need to make fun of Little Man and Kelly instead of me and Ruby. Oooh now what are you going to do? Besides shouldn't you be spending your time hooking up some sort of scientific contraction or watching some shitty Kurt Russel flick?
Leprachaun 2 bitch, Leprachaun 2.
You live there, you're supposed to be there. I don't. All I know, is that I heard you've been missing, and this child search service thinks the last person you were seen with was someone by the name of Ruby. You shouldn't be spending your time a) studying or b) getting a job? Scientific contraption is already hooked up, and Kurt Russell only makes awesome movies. Go watch more internet baseball. Think about it.
wow, you two toughguys should just settle this with a hair-off.
I heard that Disney sold Kurt to John Carpenter for a cheeseburger.
i'm mad too
oh wait, no i'm not
but i was once...
here's to not being mad anymore-
gulp, gulp - ahhhh!
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