Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
SPT weather advisory: Hurricane Alert
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Jurassic "Beaver"

A new fossil from China proves that the mammals that lived during the Jurassic era were more diverse than previously thought. The 164-million-year-old creature, dubbed Castorocauda lutrasimilis, had a tail like a beaver, the paddling limbs of an otter, seallike teeth and probably webbed feet. And although most Jurassic mammals discovered thus far were tiny, shrewlike animals, C. lutrasimilis, would have weighed in at approximately a pound. Roughly the size of a small, female platypus, it is the largest mammal from this time period on record.
Chinese archaeologists led by Qiang Ji of Nanjing University found the well-preserved fossil, including impressions of soft tissue and fur, in the Jiulongshan Formation in Inner Mongolia. Other fossils had hinted that mammals might not just have been small terrestrial creatures until the demise of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago but the beaver-tailed animal definitively pushes back the date of mammalian adaptation to an aquatic lifestyle by at least 100 million years. "Based on its relatively large size, swimming body structure, and anterior molars specialized for [fish] feeding, Castorocauda was a semiaquatic carnivore, similar to the modern river otter," the team writes in the paper announcing the find in today's issue of Science.
The discovery also highlights how little is known about early mammals. Most are represented by teeth and jaws alone. "We stand at the threshold of a dramatic change in the picture of mammalian evolutionary history," argues mammalogist Thomas Martin of the Senckenberg Institute in Frankfurt, Germany in an accompanying commentary. "The potential of fossil-rich deposits like the Jehol group in Liaoning Province in China or the Jiulongshan Formation in Inner Mongolia is only just beginning to be exploited." --David Biello
Friday, February 24, 2006
Time to get your certificate...
Rumor has it that Cheney shot one of our own tribe members in the foot.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Let's sleep like cyclists!

6 of the top 10
Tour de France
riders slept in one
of these last year.
I think we need one
for the S.P. Mansion
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
New Link added...
Click on the one that say's "we have a crush on this blog"....
Serious issues to address
b. Who the fuck is cut offs?
c. Little man needs a job.
d. Daniel needs to study more.
e. Gary is cool just how he is.
f. Is Harry getting his nightly foot massage and penal rub down?
g. Have you seen John Huston`s Night of the Iguana? You should, I went to that beach today.
h. Masturbating in hostels is out of the question.
Think about it.
Blog Etiquette
Obviously this is a public blog, and as you can tell by the sharp increase in revenue ($0.32) we're blowing up kids.
Slap on the hand, next time... decapation or "Wrath of the Gods".
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

While eating my lunch, consisting of Opa's Jalapeno & Cheddar Sausage and mashed potatoes, I went to cut off a piece of sausage, and look what squeezed out as I applied pressure. I couldn't help but be reminded of squeezing blackheads out of my nose. I thought I should share this one.
Monday, February 20, 2006
o, my, god
bland script
horrendous acting
lousy music
i was so happy to hear that william h. bonney died
if only i actually witnessed it
Samsquamch estimated at 10'

Tribe insiders say more like 5'10" and currently growing a 7th-grade beard. Read on for further misperceptions regarding Captain McAnkle's origins...
"Are There Three Kinds of Malaysian Bigfoot?
The story of the "Bigfoot" in the Endau-Rompin National Park, Malaysia, is becoming more complex. It seems like the time is ripe to sort out the media’s reports that the locals are seeing three types of hairy hominoids.
According to the Bernama news service, on February 20, 2006, accounts surfaced that the locals, the Orang Asli, living along the Johor-Pahang border, claimed they have seen a variety of different-sized "Bigfoot" in the area.
Malaysian Bigfoot
Illustration: Typical True Giant, drawing by Harry Trumbore, from Anomalist Books’ new edition of The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates by Loren Coleman and Patrick Huyghe. © 2006
Organizing what is being said, according to the three sizes, here’s what I see occurring:
1) Hantu Siaran Gigi or Hantu Hutan
Four meters (12 feet) tall, hairy man-like creatures. Hantu Hutan reportedly catch fish, and are not easily spooked by the Orang Asli. These have in the past been noted with names like "Orang Dalam." Also "Hantu Jarang Gigi" is another one that has been translated as "Snaggle-Toothed Ghost."
2) Hantu Semawa
Human-sized, probably no larger than two meters (6 feet tall). "Mawas" also has been a term for unknown, man-sized hairy hominoids seen in Malaysia. Of course, as mentioned here at Cryptomundo before, "Mawas" means, literally in nearby Indonesia, the orangutan, (Pongo pygmaeus), known from ranges in the wild in Sumatra (Pongo pygmaeus abelii) and Borneo (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus) but not Malaysia. Are the Hantu Semawa or Mawas seen in the Malay forest merely mainland survivor groups of orangutans?
3) Hantu Bojok
A very much smaller (one meter, three feet tall?) creature. One villager said: "Hantu Bojok is small. We’ve seen it many times. It looks like a dwarf. Once, we saw it catching fish and when it saw us, it ran away." Are these Proto-Pygmies, like the "Ebu Gogo" from Flores, Indonesia?
The Bermanu news item noted:
Tok Batin (tribal chief) Sati Pak Burut, 48, said his men had told him several times of their encounter with such creatures in the Johor forest. "My men often go into the forest for up to two or three weeks. When they return, they will tell lots of stories like seeing hantu hutan, hantu bojok and hantu semawa," he said.
Clearly, the larger creatures sound like the four-toed very tall "True Giant," the Orang Dalam from Malaysia. But then, as detailed in The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates, different types are part of what may going on too, and confusing the picture from the rainforests."
Total BS, I didn't see anything in there about Wild Red or video games!
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Me, Mario and Monterrey
Busted and Disgusted

This is why Sam missed many of you on MySpace yesterday. He will soon have the strength to sit at his desk, but until then Final Fantasy will sufice.
If anyone would like to send donations or "get well" type schwag, I recommend Big Red and popcorn. Otherwise, we'll be selling off his pain meds to pay for the unecessary trip to the emergency room.
No X-ray results were disclosed, and Sam go no sponge bath for his efforts. On the bright side he wasn't scheduled to work until Friday.
Rumor has it that Sam was trying to "do a 900" when he hurt himself.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy v-day
Monday, February 13, 2006
this plays needs some...pizzazz.

wow, i was going to edit the title and correct the spelling, but this is about as close to mark gonzales as i'll ever get. epic.
What's the word on the NYC streets?
Sounds like somone there could have learned from lesson 36.
Send a photo of Jake, and one of Kate!
The Tribal Council
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Greetings from Queens, bichez
I'm with McKewl right now. He's practically married. Kate (the lady he lives with) is allegedly preggers (i.e. her uterine wall is thickening to support an embryo, then fetus, the child [of course assuming no abortion, no miscarriage, no stomach punches]) by McKewl. I can't believe he didn't tell us.
Greetings from Mexico MoFos


This Sunday, the adventure begins. Remo Williams is unarmed and dangerous. What could be more American than swinging around lady Liberty's scaffolding? Chili Hot Dogs, and that's what we'll be feasting on before we feast of Fred Ward's awesome power.
In case you want a little taste:
Video Detective hosts a great trailer.. .you have to watch a trailer for a new movie first and then it'll play Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins. (Maybe you'll get to watch the promo for The Bench Warmers which made me laugh and warmed my heart.

For some reason the German version has guns pointed at Remo and New York. Anyone else think Daniel is a terrorist? If he doesn't like the movie then we'll know for sure.

fuck what i ever said before i dont' give a fuck about the height and width tags. Look at that tit sucking.
ps-buffaloes fucking suck.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Learn how to get a Yob, Mexican way
Learn how to get a Yob, Mexican way
Get A Yob......... I'm a Mexican who can bearly spik english!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
I miss Texas !!
Mail me my stocking cap, win a free prize
6 - 10
i guess it's sponsored by scion and artists will be painting up these car deals:

sounds like an invite to bring a paint pen and draw a giant raccoon wiener on the hood of one of these bad boyz.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
movies to watch in no particular order
enron: the smartest guys in the room
next of kin
kunoichi the lady ninja
cyber ninja
sex and fury
lone wolf mcquade
paradise valley
jack frost
the howling
Since I'm banned...
"Ok, you people! Sit tight, hold the fort and keep the home fires burning. And if we're not back by dawn... call the president"
"You know what Jack Burton always says... what the hell?"
"I'm no tourist"
"I don't deal with psychos. I put 'em away."
"Go ahead. I don't shop here.'
Monday, February 06, 2006
Thanks Dudes....

Evilbiologist's arch nemesis Captain McSuperjogger has been spotted on the streets of San Francisco. It is difficult to delineate between the pro- and antagonist in this rivalry, though their feud dates back to an initial encounter at Minnesota's "Sour Kraut Eating and Log Tossing Championships" of 1987.
It appears that Mr. Superjogger is attempting his best GW imitation by preemptively striking before Mr. Biologist's next move in SF. It is assumed the Captain is already 2 Kurt Russel movies ahead of the Tribe's biologist and is a certified expert in Sylvester Stallone one-liners. There is a genuine concern for the future of the biologist.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Harry Appointed Tribe AA Counselor
"He said he was my mother yesterday," one tribe member confessed anonimously. Although the drunks still outnumber the wimps at San Pedro, there is fear a new era defined by caffeine, level headedness, and possibly even medical marijuana will arise.
"I didn't know what to do," claimed a bornagain drunkard. "I felt alone in my desire to drink, so I did what I would normally do, that is go out drinking, alone. After consulting Muhammhed I knew it was Miguel who was wrong. I only needed a new role model to remind me drinking is good for you. Waking up hungover the next day, I went on a spiritual fast from food and even light, as Ghandi would have. The meaning of life evaded me. I wanted to sleep forever. Finally, I entered the outside world around three o'clock, searching for a spiritual guide. After finding no help from the people of the tribe, I laid on the floor to watch Sam fight the Roman Empire for his freedom. Hopeless, I felt. Then, the answer came from above, as in it actually crawled on me and laid down on my face. Through purring and gentle clawing, Harry reminded me why life was to be lived, and most importantly he did it without telling me I had to stop drinking. I've felt different since then. We now have daily AA meetings to give me the strength to continue drinking, and I have realized any desire to quit is actually a cop out."
Harry never attended school and has no credentials, but claims it is his life experience that is so crucial in his unique approach to alcohol counseling. His father was a stray. His mother a traveling alcoholic. He has been abandonded over and over again. Growing up he acquired asthma from the blistering cold, refusing to take his meds. He now walks with a slight limp, coughing occasionally, and carries the air of a dirty Englishman. He refuses to be brushed, claiming it is his filth that inspires people to drink. His success as an AA counselor can be found solely in his stubborness and complete refusal to take care of himself. Wherever his parents are, they should be proud of him, but maybe not proud of themselves.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Sexual position quiz #1

Dear comrades, is this digital lady being penetrated in the vagina or the anus?
Also, why is the penis yellow?
Is it possible it's another girl, wearing a strap-on?
For the record, I've had 2 of what I like to call the old, triple Ess today.
1. Sulfurous
2. Sienna.
3. Soft-serve
Friday, February 03, 2006
Thursday, February 02, 2006
The traps have been set...
We need to call those guys as soon as we catch one (tonight) so that there's a chance of them picking up the first racoon tomorrow. Otherwise he said something like Sunday or Monday?.
I'm going to feel like shit when the mamma coon is the first one in the trap; her babies just hanging out, washing themselves, with no idea of where to go.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Ear Drainage Problems in Hedgehogs
Sometimes hedgehogs will get a nasty accumulation of drainage at their ears. The first thing that you will need to check is the consistency. If it is granular, it is most likely to be mites. This may seem shocking, as the ear may be clear one day and filled the next, but mites can cause that. If you have any suspicion that mites may be involved, it’s usually best to take hedgie to the vet right away to have the vet check for mites, and to treat if they are found.
There is another type of drainage, more of a runny type of goo, and this is often caused by yeast infections. I had one hedgehog named Janaki who used to get a reoccurrence of this problem about 4 or 5 times a year. When this occurred, I first use a q-tip outside of the ear to clean the yucky stuff off of that area. Then my veterinarian had me use a 1cc syringe with peroxide in it to do the initial inner ear cleaning. Drip about half of the peroxide into each ear. It will foam, and hedgie may be uncomfortable. Later in the day, do the same thing with a half water/half vinegar solution. I will do one in the morning and one in the evening for a course of 3 treatments of each. It pretty much always clears up with this treatment.
The important caution to remember is that when in doubt, always take your hedgie to a veterinarian. If hedgie appears to be having balance problem, then this is especially important, as ear infections can do permanent damage to the inner ear. If you suspect any kind of bacterial infection, you will need the vet to prescribe an antibiotic. If hedgie has more symptoms than just the goo from the ear (s), you’ll need to vet to diagnose further as there could be polyps or cancer present. And, if the problem recurs, you’ll want the vet to check to make sure that you are treating the correct problem. The vet may or may not be able to figure out why the problem recurs, but can make sure that you are giving the correct treatment to remedy the problem when it does.
- nospace.com
Someone here responsible for I.E. not working?
Go ahead and insert your "use firefox" comment here. I could care less if my tabs are on a blue toolbar or in mysterious tabs that are barely visible on top of the browswer... so bite me. I'll use firefox when it doesn't slow down my computer and doesn't take five years to load images.
Or better yet, I'll just use "Longhorn" or "Vista" or whatever the new I.E. will be. - because it will have tabs, imbedded RSS feeds etc.