Monday, February 06, 2006

Thanks Dudes....

Yeah, I know that sometimes it's hard having a lady in the house. Especially one as emotionally volatile as the one writing this. I mean, what with the crying on the couch and the cursing of men and the such, thanks for being understanding. Thanks for pulling through and helping me with my computer catastrophe, you guys rule. Heads up...I should be bleeding out of my vagina profusely for the next 6 days. xo

1 comment:

Vagrunt said...

If any tribesman are wondering where our little squaw is, she has been banished to a separate teepee where the bleeders go. As you know blood is a sign of evil, and while she is in this state should not mix with the pure souls of the mansion. Yes, only women are evil, and are evil about every 28 days or so.