Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Since I'm banned...

that means I'll be spending Sunday movie night alone in my room. That's fine, having Stallone and Russell (AND REMO!) on my computer gives the opportunity to capture those one-liners and...

Start a Stallone or Russell soundboard.

"Ok, you people! Sit tight, hold the fort and keep the home fires burning. And if we're not back by dawn... call the president"
"You know what Jack Burton always says... what the hell?"
"I'm no tourist"
"I don't deal with psychos. I put 'em away."
"Go ahead. I don't shop here.'


Vagrunt said...

Yeah, I know there are some from Rocky, but that's not his finest work.

Problem with Rambo is he just has two-word comebacks. Like "It is now" or "Fuck 'em" which don't really have any context.

Evil Biologist said...

I think we need to take screening to the next level and watch Gremlins 2 b/c it has a seen where Gizmo watches Rambo 3, then proceeds to copy his decorum (if you can call it that).

Evil Biologist said...


Evil Biologist said...

as if anyone else (aside from perhaps Marion Cobretti) could say that.