Tribe insiders say more like 5'10" and currently growing a 7th-grade beard. Read on for further misperceptions regarding Captain McAnkle's origins...
"Are There Three Kinds of Malaysian Bigfoot?
The story of the "Bigfoot" in the Endau-Rompin National Park, Malaysia, is becoming more complex. It seems like the time is ripe to sort out the media’s reports that the locals are seeing three types of hairy hominoids.
According to the Bernama news service, on February 20, 2006, accounts surfaced that the locals, the Orang Asli, living along the Johor-Pahang border, claimed they have seen a variety of different-sized "Bigfoot" in the area.
Malaysian Bigfoot
Illustration: Typical True Giant, drawing by Harry Trumbore, from Anomalist Books’ new edition of The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates by Loren Coleman and Patrick Huyghe. © 2006
Organizing what is being said, according to the three sizes, here’s what I see occurring:
1) Hantu Siaran Gigi or Hantu Hutan
Four meters (12 feet) tall, hairy man-like creatures. Hantu Hutan reportedly catch fish, and are not easily spooked by the Orang Asli. These have in the past been noted with names like "Orang Dalam." Also "Hantu Jarang Gigi" is another one that has been translated as "Snaggle-Toothed Ghost."
2) Hantu Semawa
Human-sized, probably no larger than two meters (6 feet tall). "Mawas" also has been a term for unknown, man-sized hairy hominoids seen in Malaysia. Of course, as mentioned here at Cryptomundo before, "Mawas" means, literally in nearby Indonesia, the orangutan, (Pongo pygmaeus), known from ranges in the wild in Sumatra (Pongo pygmaeus abelii) and Borneo (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus) but not Malaysia. Are the Hantu Semawa or Mawas seen in the Malay forest merely mainland survivor groups of orangutans?
3) Hantu Bojok
A very much smaller (one meter, three feet tall?) creature. One villager said: "Hantu Bojok is small. We’ve seen it many times. It looks like a dwarf. Once, we saw it catching fish and when it saw us, it ran away." Are these Proto-Pygmies, like the "Ebu Gogo" from Flores, Indonesia?
The Bermanu news item noted:
Tok Batin (tribal chief) Sati Pak Burut, 48, said his men had told him several times of their encounter with such creatures in the Johor forest. "My men often go into the forest for up to two or three weeks. When they return, they will tell lots of stories like seeing hantu hutan, hantu bojok and hantu semawa," he said.
Clearly, the larger creatures sound like the four-toed very tall "True Giant," the Orang Dalam from Malaysia. But then, as detailed in The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates, different types are part of what may going on too, and confusing the picture from the rainforests."
Total BS, I didn't see anything in there about Wild Red or video games!
i just know about 1 big foot
and you know what they say about big feet
he lives in the outskirts of the back of the mansion
he can be heard after a few joints
also, he likes video games
boring ones
and popcorn
and chx-pot-pies
and did i mention video games
Most bloggers don't take my postings wholescale and then forget to mention the link. That's just not polite blog manners. And most just summarize and then link to the blog. Oh well...
For those looking for the original of this, please see Cryptomundo.com
Best wishes
Loren Coleman
Cryptozoologist, Author, Media Consultant
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